Saturday, June 10, 2006

chapter 2.. finally!?.. i dunno what you will think of this.. but. ENJOY!

It was surreal. She loved moon-gazing, ever since she could remember.
There was something about the peaceful tranquility - how everything seemed in place, as nature intended. Leaning against the wall, she silently soaked in the atmosphere - enjoying every moment, one of the few times she ever felt happy anyway.

Suddenly, as if the moon was calling out to her, a mysterious fog descended upon the rooftop and she felt her feet rising above the ground.She was too awe-struck for words. Afraid that any movement would awaken her from this beautiful dream.

Everything seemed to have taken on an ethereal glow.The burning sensation within her stirred, as though each day she wore a false facade of who she truly was, and her true self was hidden, bursting apart at the seams, breaking free.

At that moment, with a rip, huge (dare she say it) wings (!!) erupted from the joints at her shoulderblades.They beat gently, carrying her even higher.Fear should have set in at this point, and took control of her mind, cartoon-like if you will, with mini versions of her running frantically about screaming " what do we do!?!?!"

Instead, everything felt completely normal. As nature intended.Like it was meant to be, all along.It felt liberating, as she flew further away from the city.She was escaping from the fears and confusion of the past.

All too soon, the sun rose.
The delightful reverie was broken.
X was back at the make-shift shelter she called home. More than anything else, she felt bewilderment and perhaps crushing disappointment.

Was it just a dream?


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