Wednesday, June 07, 2006

finally! an update! oh its not chapter two!? then what is it??

well this is basically off-plot. because i was feeling angsty and whatever. i wrote this down a few days ago. and anyway, a random update is better than no update right? *sweatdrop* ^0^;

The sun's rays reflected over her tear-streaked face. She cuddled even closer into his embrace."What's wrong? You afraid? " he asked. She gazed intently into his eyes, savouring the moment, she was lost inside the grey abyss that was his eyes and never wanted to find her way out."Yes. Afraid of losing you.."
No one was there. 'Twas a memory of long ago.
She watched the waves crash upon the shore, the ebb and flow of the tide.
A moment. It was all she asked for. Just one moment.
For everything to fall into place.For him to say "I love you" even if it was short-lived,
even if it were a lie and he never meant it.
Just for that moment. Everything would be worthwhile.
She never knew why he left. He only said "I'm sorry. We just can't go on like this." and left.
Leaving behind countless nights of tears in his wake.
Was it really better to have loved and lost?
than to have never have loved before?
Was it really better to have had a taste of heaven then have it mercilessly yanked away from you?
never to be found again?
or to have never known the true beauty of heaven?
Was it really better to spend the rest of your life reminiscing on what was. might have been. but never will be?
Lost in her thoughts. She closed her eyes, as tears ushered her into slumber once again.


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